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Waiting for her to settle, he sat in a chair he would have sworn he’d seen in someone else’s living room before. The normal tension between them was there and this time, Tuck welcomed it. It gave him something to feel other than the blocked off feelings of fear crawling up his back.

  As she settled on Flossie’s old couch, she fidgeted and tugged at her shirt, drawing his attention. Focusing on her, he took in the tight tank top that molded to her breasts and the low hanging, skimpy shorts. He took a sharp breath at the sight of her body and then cursed himself when that just caused him to smell her. Fresh, warm woman with a hint of lemon made his body respond in ways he didn’t want.

  Clenching his hands together tightly, he concentrated on what he needed to. When the silence between started to feel heavy, Tuck swallowed hard and said, “I’m leaving. After the wedding, Clarice and I are moving to Little Rock. I’ve turned in my resignation to the Mayor and he’s going to talk to the Council but they should be appointing you Sheriff interim.” There, it was out, it was done.

  Bay sat unmoving, her eyes black and huge. She just stared at him. After a moment he realized she wasn’t breathing and started to become alarmed. Just as he worried that he’d have to somehow snap her out of her stupor he heard her whisper, “What?”

  Grateful that he wouldn’t have to touch her, he continued, “There’s two years left on my term of office. The Mayor agrees that there’s no need to hire a stranger to fill the spot when you can do it. You will have to hire someone to replace you and your shift, though.”

  Bay simply shook her head, her loose black hair swinging and brushing over her shoulders. “What?” she asked a little stronger, her normally smooth voice sounded raspy instead.

  “Bay, you’ll make a good Sheriff. The people, they like you. The guys, they respect you. You’ll do fine. If you run for the office when the term is up, I have no doubt you’ll win, easily.”

  Tuck was startled when Bay suddenly jumped to her feet and began to pace. She had been so still that the sudden movement actually made him jump. He made the mistake of watching her pace, watching that long, shapely body so skimpily dressed that, even when tight with anxiety, reminded him of something dark and dangerous.

  She stopped as suddenly as she had started, turned to face him, slapping her hands on her hips and repeated, “What?” This time her voice reaching a level of shrill he never expected to hear from her.

  Tuck stood to face her, his already sharp-edged nerves fraying even more. “Listen closely this time. I’m leaving Miller Springs. I’m leaving Hill County. I’m going to Little Rock with Clarice after the wedding. You are taking my position as Sheriff.”

  “The hell!” She erupted. Her black eyes snapped, her body quivering with anger and tension. Tuck felt his body respond more and tried to fight back. He had to stay in control. Bay abruptly turned and faced a window, jerking back the curtain to stare out over the Square. He thought he heard her cursing in another language but couldn’t be sure.

  As she stood there, her shoulders slumped, losing the tension. “Why?” She asked, not looking at him.

  He couldn’t lie to her and yet he couldn’t answer the question, either. His mind raced to find some sort of answer when she dropped the curtain and turned back to him.

  Bay leaned against the wall beside the window, crossing her arms under her breasts. The movement pushed her breasts up and made Tuck’s mouth water. “Sheriff Tucker Adams doesn’t walk away from the job.” Bay shook her head, her hair falling over her shoulders. “Not even if Clarice asked you to. So what is it?”

  It felt like her gaze was piercing right into his brain. Tuck felt the bead of sweat trickle down his back and was glad that he would never have to be interrogated by her. Yes, she would make an excellent sheriff, he had no doubts there. The weight of the secret of Clarice’s condition felt increasingly heavy. But still he said nothing.

  “She wouldn’t ask, but there’s no other reason why you’d leave. Because you don’t walk away. But you’re taking her, or she’s taking you, so it involves her. It’s not for a job, because I didn’t think anything could take Clarice away from her kids. Little Rock, big city, lots there.” Her anxiety was making her speak in fragments, almost more to herself than to him.

  Tuck shifted uncomfortably and shoved his hands in his pockets. If he didn’t find a way to stop her soon, she’d have it. Bay was sharp, sharper than even he had given her credit for. “Look, I don’t need a reason...”

  “Yes, you do.” She interrupted. “And Clarice is the reason. I’m just not sure why.”

  He glared at her. She wasn’t going to give up. “Look, I can’t have rumors...”

  Bay snapped to attention, her relaxed posture gone. “Really? Really, Tuck?” He could read the outrage quivering through her body at his suggestion that she might repeat anything he told her.

  Suddenly it was all too much. The fear, the worry, the burden of it all fell on Tuck in a solid lump. Raking his hands through his hair he turned and stalked over to the couch where he dropped down. Leaning his head back he let the despair roll over him.

  He felt Bay sit beside him on the couch. Without moving or opening his eyes he said, “Clarice has cancer. They can treat her in Little Rock. We have to go.”

  “Oh, god.” Bay said softly. “You haven’t told anyone have you?”

  Tuck shook his head.

  “Tuck you can’t do this alone. You have to let someone help you.”

  He gave a rueful smile. “Yeah. You. Sheriff Lopez.”

  Bay snorted, dismissing his words. “I can’t be Sheriff. I’ve only been here a few months.”

  Finally Tuck looked at her. She wasn’t sitting too close but he could still smell her, feel the heat from her. It created a heat in him that while he didn’t want, he couldn’t deny felt good. “Think about it. Think about Joby, think about Dave. Can you picture either of them standing up to the Mayor? Picture them dealing with the politics of the job. Hiring someone. Think about it, Bay.”

  She frowned and he could see her thinking over his words. Shaking her head she said, “Tuck, man, I want to help, I’d do anything I could to help but geez, taking on as Sheriff?” She looked at him, her eyes full of worry. “I’m not ready for that.”

  He wasn’t able to stop his hand. He reached for her and took her hand in his before he could stop himself. The electricity shot through him as it did every time he touched her. He felt the involuntary shiver go through her. “I know you can do it.”

  She closed her eyes, her fingers tightening on his. He heard her whispered curse as she sighed. “You play dirty, Sheriff.”

  It felt good to hold her hand. Tuck hadn’t expected that. The weird static tension between them still zinged along his nerve endings. It made him feel alive, something he hadn’t felt since that day in preacher’s office. Had it really only a few short days ago? It felt like a lifetime ago.

  He gently pulled away from Bay and stood. He needed to get out of here, away from her. Feeling alive was only allowed with Clarice. He started for the door and heard Bay begin to follow. And then all hell broke loose.

  Tuck heard her gasp, heard the sound of something heavy moving behind him. He turned quickly, just in time to catch her as she fell into him. She’d tripped over something and now because he caught her, she was in his arms.

  Warm and firm. Her body was nothing like Clarice’s. Her breasts pressed against him, full and round, he was much more aware of them than he should have been. Looking into her startled eyes, he could also see the quick flare of passion. Her breathing hitched and her fingers curled into his shirt.

  His conscious mind fled. Tightening his arms around her, the connection between them, the electricity, the sexual tension, it all just exploded. Tuck saw her start to shake her head when he blocked everything out and covered her lips with his.

  Blinding stars flashed behind his closed eyes. Heat pulsed through him, he didn’t know if it came from him or her. Never in his life had a woman affected him lik
e this, just took over his mind and body leaving him nothing but feeling. His hands searched her body, looking for each and every curve, pulling her harder against him.

  He didn’t know how it happened but suddenly he was pressed against her, her back to the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist. They kissed, hands reaching and pulling, tugging at clothes. All he could think was that he had to get closer, closer to her, he couldn’t get close enough.

  Her gasps and little moans only made him want her more. Her skin was so hot, his fingers tingled with the heat everywhere he touched. She was so strong, so warm, so eager. There was nothing gentle, nothing soothing, only the heat between them. Bay moved against him, clenched tight around him. He was lost in her.

  He buried himself in her, feeling nothing but her, hot and tight. She was nearly screaming now, her body bucking against his. Their mating was wild and rough. Nothing existed but the two of them and the release they both sought.

  When it came, it came hard. The world went dark, there was nothing left but Bay and the explosive, exquisite feelings shuddering through him. His knees gave out